9.8 billion euros

Total investment cost

Total investments by type of use


Total number of assets

Assets by type of use

1.303 million euros*

Ø New business volume p.a. of the last 3 years
*contain new business over 2 billion S-BahnMunich

Ø New business volume p.a. of the last 3 years
by type of use

we are there for you

Thorsten Kuhle LHI Structured Finance
Division Manager of Key Account Management

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1455
Mobile: +49 173 3833388
Fax: +49 89 5120-2455

Andreas Belendir LHI Structured Finance
Relationshipmanager Corporate customers

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1637
Mobile: +49 172 9611773
Fax: +49 89 5120-2637

Vadim Flon LHI Structured Finance
Relationshipmanager - Cooperation partner

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1631
Mobile: +49 162 2681616
Fax: +49 89 5120-2631

Veronika Hausotter-Wimberger LHI Structured Finance
Division Manager Structured Finance Management

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1750
Mobile: +49 172 8651852
Fax: +49 89 5120-2750

Jan Schilling LHI Structured Finance Pullach
Head of Real Estate

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1452
Mobile: +49 162 1320983
Fax: +49 89 5120-2452

Michael Vollmer LHI Structured Finance Stuttgart
Head of Real Estate

Tel.: +49 711 342113-17
Mobile: +49 170 3439394
Fax: +49 711 342113-37

Stefan Wildgruber LHI Structured Finance
Head of Infrastructure / Rolling Stock

Tel.: +49 89 5120-1467
Mobile: +49 172 9602449
Fax: +49 89 5120-2467